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Stop Being Yourself: 10 Reasons Why You Should Change Starting Now!

*Updated August 2024

Stop being yourself. This is probably the exact opposite of the advice you’ve been given most of your life. However, it may actually be the advice you need to hear. So, what does it truly mean?

You’re not meant to be the same person you were ten years ago or even a year ago. And, although being in your comfort zone feels pretty great for a while, overtime it will lead to a nagging feeling of discontent. For instance, have you ever found yourself asking:

  • Did I settle?
  • My life looks great on paper, so why am I depressed?
  • I want to feel gratitude, but I’m so unhappy.
  • I finally “made it”, but I feel unfulfilled.
  • Is this all there is?

Personal Growth

The Universe is continually renewing itself at every moment. So, if you feel stuck, it’s your soul reminding you that you are ready to take your life to the next level.

Admittedly, change is difficult, so it’s easier to simply avoid it. But, when you ignore this persistent feeling of unease, you will become more unhappy over time.

Personal growth happens when you push past your comfort zone. But, walking into the unknown is often the most challenging thing you are asked to do in life.

However, when you face your fears, a unique opening is created. This space invites new possibilities and allows more joy to enter your life.

Stop Being Yourself: 10 Reasons Why You Should Change Starting Now!

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Stop Being Yourself: 10 Reasons Why You Should Change Now!

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10 Reasons Why You Should Change

Dr. Joe Dispenza, best-selling author of Becoming Supernatural, states that at about the age of 35 years old, your life begins to function on autopilot. By then, about 95% of who you are is a set of memorized beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and skills that run subconsciously. So, you basically begin living the same day over and over again. And, I don’t know about you, but that concept hit me like a bolt of lightning!

Therefore, the likelihood of creating or attracting anything new becomes very small. As a result,

  • Life becomes boring.
  • You stop learning new things.
  • You lose your passion for life.
  • You no longer come from a place of gratitude.
  • You forget who you truly are.
  • You question your purpose in life.
  • You begin to resent your life situation.
  • You look for ways to escape.
  • You acquire unhealthy behaviors.
  • You no longer appreciate the world around you.

And, if these 10 reasons haven’t convinced you, consider the following scenario. Each morning when we awake, we enjoy a few precious moments before becoming fully alert.

However, as soon as we remember our current reality, familiar emotions come rushing back instantaneously. And, all too often, the unpleasant stuff comes up first: the stressful commute to work, the difficult coworker, family conflicts, financial pressures, etc.

These thoughts feel so real that they trick the brain into believing the events are actually happening. So, it’s as though we’ve lived the entire day in advance and it wasn’t very positive. Not surprisingly, the day most likely unfolds as predicted.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”


Your Comfort Zone

When this pattern continues uninterrupted, it becomes your comfort zone. You’ve essentially become addicted, in a sense, to familiar thoughts and emotions. But, you are not meant to stay in your this state forever.

You can push beyond your comfort zone by identifying the the habits that keep you stuck. Then take action steps to make purposeful and positive changes.

Now, you can authentically construct a life that you have consciously chosen, and one that you truly love.

“What looks like self-preservation today is imprisonment tomorrow.”


4 Ways to Break the Habit of Being Yourself

So, is it possible to rewire your brain and break through familiar habits? The answer is a resounding yes! Here are four ways you can effectively break the habit of being yourself. (Find out how I was able to change my life here.)

1. Observe Your Thoughts

Many of our thoughts, generated by the ego, are repetitive and negative. But, it’s impossible to stop thinking because that’s the function of the brain. However, you can train yourself to observe your thoughts with a sense of detachment.

Change Your Mind

If you look at your thoughts objectively, you’ll notice that they are often unhelpful, egoic thoughts that pull you away from the present moment.

However, by practicing mindfulness, you can learn to ignore them. So, instead of trying to force them away, shift into the neutral zone. Give yourself permission to have a thought without attaching an emotional reaction to it.

Retrain your mind by flooding your brain with uplifting, inspirational thoughts. One great way to do that is to incorporate positive affirmations into your day.

It may take some practice to change old habits. But, soon you’ll start to notice happy coincidences, or synchronicities, occurring in your life. This is a sign that you’re on the right track and you’ll be inspired to keep going!

Authentic Change

If you are serious about creating a new future, you have to behave as if you already have everything you wish for before you receive it. You have to consistently think, act, and feel better than your current circumstances.

As a result, you will raise your vibrational frequency to match the things you desire. And soon, you’ll start attracting more of what you want.

Here’s how you can get started now. First, consider how you live in the world.

  • What are your daily behaviors, habits, and routines?
  • Are you generous, compassionate, and loving to yourself, to others?
  • Do fearful, egoic thoughts keep you anxious and worried?
  • What is your typical emotional state during the day?

It’s not easy to identify the habits, thoughts, and behaviors that limit your potential because they are a part of who you are. But, with some practice and awareness, you can break free of old patterns to consciously create a new reality.

Now, you have to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to the life that you want. Here are four open-ended questions to help you do just that!

  • Who do you truly want to be?
  • What is your purpose for being here?
  • What has to change for you to achieve this life vision?
  • What is one action step you can take today to help you get there?

2. Become a Lifelong Learner

You are here to evolve and learn lessons that help you in your spiritual expansion. And, when you cease to learn new things, you inhibit that process.

So, get curious. Pursue your passions or try something for the first time. New ideas and experiences will stimulate changes in your brain.

But, don’t stop there, practice is the key to success. Repeating something over and over builds thicker, stronger, more hardwired connections between the neurons in your brain.

3. Visualize

Once you begin acquiring knowledge, your mind will start piecing together new information to accommodate your new vision. That’s because learning engages the frontal lobe of the brain. This part of the brain will begin connecting individual networks of neurons, giving you a clearer, more refined picture of what you want.

Vision Boards

A vision board is a personalized collage that illustrates your future goals and is an effective way to initiate change. Building your vision board creates excitement and engages the heart.

Feelings of gratitude simulate the same emotions as if your goals have already been realized. Now, you’re vibrating on the same plane as the things you desire.

By dwelling in the possibility of having your dreams come true, you draw them to you. Soon, you’ll start attracting new experiences that match this higher frequency. Opportunities that you may have never considered will present themselves. In turn, your goals will become bigger and more expansive.

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”

Oprah Winfrey

4. Meditate

Mediation is a wonderful tool for growth and spiritual expansion. It’s been linked increased health and wellness. For instance, meditating results in lower levels of depression, insomnia, and pain.

One surprising benefit of meditation is that it keeps you young! Studies show that daily meditation increases the gray matter in the frontal cortex: the part of the brain associated with executive decision-making and memory.

According to Harvard neuroscientist, Sara Lazar, it’s been proven that the cortex shrinks as we get older. However, after a study on meditation, it was discovered that 50 year-old meditators had the same amount of gray matter as the 25 year-olds. In other words, meditation literally changes your brain and keeps you younger, longer!

Are You Ready?

You are too special, unique, and important to settle for a life that you don’t love. I’ve been able to align my life to my personal truth and it brings me so much joy. All it takes is determination and a commitment to learning and growing. And, the results will definitely be worth the effort!

Which of the above tips would you like to try? Have you been successful in making positive changes in your life? What were some ways that you were able to overcome the status-quo to create new habits and ways of being? Comment below and let’s get the conversation started!

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Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a wellness blogger and a personal coach who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.

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