Lifestyle,  Personal Development,  Self Help

Learn How Karma Can Transform Your Life!

*Updated July 2024

Karma can transform your life. That’s because your life is a mirror reflection of you! Everything you send out to the Universe comes back to you.

You are literally creating your life with every thought, word, and deed. Even your intentions play a role in how the Universe responds to you. More simply stated, everything you do has consequences both positive and negative.

Karma Defined

In Sanskrit, karma means action. With origins in the ancient Indian Vedic civilization, it is the foundation of many spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. It is a powerful and inescapable life force that affects all living beings.

However, karma is a complex topic that can be difficult to define because beliefs vary across disciplines. Some of the differences are centered around the role of reincarnation, the existence of soul and God, and the understanding of evil and suffering in the world. But, at its essence, karma is the result of our actions and intentions from this life, as well as past lives.

Karmic Revenge?

In moments of anger, you may have called upon the law of karma to take your revenge. And, you may even taken solace in this idea. However, this is not the true nature of karma. Karma is not cosmic retribution. 

Essentially, karma is the the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. According to this law, whatever thoughts and energy you put out to the world, you get back. So, in order to get what you want, you have to embody and be worthy of those things.

Learn How Karma Can Transform Your Life Now!

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Karma is completely accurate and binding. Moreover, a good deed and bad deed do not cancel each other out. You are fated to experience the consequences of both.

As a result, if you do good things and your intentions are pure, you create good karma and future joy. On the other hand, bad intentions or actions result in negative karma and future unhappiness. 

At any time, you can choose joy, happiness and understanding over anger, hostility and pain. In other words, the way in which you conduct your life builds your future.

Each thought, word, action, and intention reverberates out into the Universe like a ripple in a still pond. In turn, the Universe sends the exact same back to you in some form or another.

Law of Cause and Effect

Because of the Law of Cause and Effect, your karma is entirely under your control, and a direct result of your engagement with life. Good karma is called merit. Bad karma is simply karma, as the word itself carries a negative connotation.

To understand the law of karma, think of of good and bad karma as two separate accounts. You reap the rewards of good karma, and suffer the consequences of bad karma; everything you do returns back to you.

Interestingly, some traditions believe that the results of your actions could manifest in either this life or the next. Therefore, your current life circumstances could be the result of past life actions which would explain the unfair nature of life. Ultimately, we are all destined to ride the wheel of karma until we break free of it.

Phala and Samskaras

Sometimes, the consequences of karma are immediate (phala), or occur within this life. Phala literally means the fruit of a particular action. Additionally, there are invisible effects that affect a person’s ability to be happy in their current or future lives (samskaras). 

Samskaras refer to the deeply ingrained thinking patterns that create your personality. In other words, the content of your mind colors your perception, and causes you to interact with the world in habitual ways, resulting in either a joyful or unhappy life.

This is your fate, or the result of your karma. The seeds planted through your actions and intentions always come to fruition. Therefore, your fate is unalterable. You are destined to live out what you have created.

Free Will and Karma

Think of the workings of karma like a maze. Each turn either leads to a dead end or an opening to something greater. Life has a way of supporting you no matter what.

If you learn what you’re meant to learn by overcoming challenges (which evolve your soul), you will move forward. However, if you repeatedly make wrong choices, creating bad karma, you risk losing your way entirely. And then, you will continue to face the same problem over and over again until you learn a particular lesson.

So, whether it’s financial instability, relationship problems, or continued health issues that you’re facing, the Universe is trying to teach you something. And, you won’t be able to move beyond this obstacle until you learn the lesson intended. (Read my success story and how I finally started listening to the Universe here.)

“The idea of karma is that you continually get the teaching that you need to open your heart.”

Pema Chödrön


How you interact with the world directly generates your karma. And, because life is new and fresh at every moment, you have ample opportunity to accumulate merit. When you focus your body, mind, emotions, and energy to serve your personal truth and the greater good, you have the power to change your life.

We’ve all heard the familiar Bible quote that illustrates the nature of this law, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Only you have the power to alter the course of your destiny.

When you raise your consciousness through alert awareness, you can mindfully engage with the world. You will no longer react to life through conditioned patterns. And, through this heightened level of consciousness, you accrue good karma.

However, if you are preoccupied with your thoughts, you’re not giving full attention to your actions. Your mind then relaxes back into habitual thinking patterns. Without awareness, you may inadvertently create bad karma.

Good and Evil?

Karma is akin to good and evil. However, your understanding of good and evil, as it relates to karma, is not as clear as you might think. A more accurate explanation is that you live either a self-centered or a selfless life.

Without awareness, you are ego-driven. Therefore, you tend to be judgmental, critical of yourself and others, and the negative voice in your head goes unchecked. This results in unhappiness, anxiety, and even depression.

And, sometimes, this discontent spills over and affects the people around you. When you inflict suffering on someone else, even of it’s just an unkind thought, you are in reality harming yourself. The other person may receive some injury as a result, but only to the extent that their karma allows.

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”

Deepak Chopra

A Selfless Life

On the other hand, a selfless life means that you think more about other people. And, you clearly understand the role your ego plays in creating your outer world. Therefore, you learn how control the ego by quieting the voice in your mind. And, this leads to conscious behavior, or alert presence.

At this level, you bring mindfulness to all that you do. So, rather than reacting in an unconscious way, you act (respond) with purpose. You communicate with understanding and empathy.

And, when you consider another person’s point of view, you become a kinder and more compassionate person. Acts of kindness, loving meditations, and generosity are all important aspects of a good life, and increase your joy tenfold!

Karmic Cleanse

A karmic cleanse can be beneficial to everyone, regardless of how awakened or enlightened you are. Past life karma, karma from egoic-based thinking, or generational karma (family karma that’s been passed down to you) all factor into the karmic equation. And, it’s inevitable that you will get caught up in ego from time to time. This also creates bad karma.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to give yourself a karmic cleanse every so often. Dina Strada, from The Chopra Center, in her article 5 Steps to Give Yourself a Karmic Cleanse suggests these we do these five things regularly.

“Karma is not something complicated or philosophical. Karma means watching your body, watching your mouth, and watching your mind. Trying to keep these three doors as pure as possible is the practice of karma.”

Thubten Yeshe

Follow these five steps to give yourself a karmic cleanse.

  • Be grateful. Appreciate all of your life experiences, good and bad. Each experience that you work through consciously will help you grow on your spiritual journey.
  • Act with love. You can act with loving kindness toward others regardless of what people have done to you. That’s your karma.
  • Check your motives. Make sure your actions and intentions come from a place of love and compassion.
  • Watch your attitude. Negative thoughts create bad energy which is immediately directed back at you.
  • Forgive. Although it can be hard to do, it’s the most important action step you can take to release yourself from bad karma.

Karma Can Transform Your Life

A true understanding of the law of karma can alter your destiny forever. And, karma is infinitely more than just a catchword. It is the subtle, yet powerful energy that shapes your life.

Therefore, seek wisdom to deepen your own spiritual practice. Knowledge is power, and it will help you make informed, mindful, and altruistic decisions. In this state of grace, you can create an inspired destiny and the abundant and joyful life you so greatly deserve!

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Melissa Damiani has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed in Education. She is a wellness blogger and a personal coach who lives in New England with her husband and three fur babies. She enjoys reading, writing, practicing yoga, being in nature, British and medieval history, and all things Italian.


  • Marie

    I am truly inspired by this post! I always said “yeah, I believe in Karma” but never understood the true meaning until now. I will be printing out the 5 step karmic cleanse and posting it by my computer as a daily reminder. A great way to live your life! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Melissa Damiani

      Hi Marie, that’s awesome! I’m so glad you found it useful. I really tried to provide some new and interesting information that people may not have been aware of. So, thanks so much! Have a great day! Melissa

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